Bietti crystalline dystrophy

Bietti Crystalline Dystrophy

Crystalline corneo-retinal dystrophy is an uncommon hereditary condition
First reported by Bietti in 1937 as a corneo-retinal degeneration
Second or third decade of life 
Autosomal recessive  CYP4V2 Gene or dominant disorder.
Crystals consists cholesterol or cholesterol ester and complex lipid inclusions
Two subtypes of Bietti's crystalline dystrophy :
üa localised type with findings confined to the posterior pole
üa diffuse type with widespread retinal findings
 Fluorescein angiographic findings depend on the
-Degree of RPE atrophy,
-Pigment mottling,
-Crystal deposition and
-Atrophy of choriocapillaries.
-Low normal to moderately abnormal in the localised type
-Severely subnormal to non-recordable in the diffuse type
- Shows crytalline hyperreflectivity in all layers of retina
- Thinning of choriocapillaries
These patients have high risk of developing CNVM


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