
Showing posts from April, 2017

Angioid Streaks


Congenital Stationary NightBlindness Learning points


Bietti crystalline dystrophy

Bietti Crystalline Dystrophy • Crystalline corneo -retinal dystrophy is an uncommon hereditary condition • First reported by Bietti in 1937 as a corneo -retinal degeneration • Second or third decade of life  • Autosomal recessive  CYP4V2 Gene or dominant disorder. • • Crystals consists cholesterol or cholesterol ester and complex lipid inclusions • Two subtypes of Bietti's crystalline dystrophy : ü a localised type with findings confined to the posterior pole ü a diffuse type with widespread retinal findings •  Fluorescein angiographic findings depend on the - D egree of RPE atrophy, - P igment mottling, - C rystal deposition and - A trophy of choriocapillaries . • The ERG - Low normal to moderately abnormal in the localised type - Severely subnormal to non-recordable in the diffuse type OCT - Shows crytalline hyperreflectivity in all layers of retina - Thinning of choriocapillaries These patients have high risk ...
My article on diabetic retinopathy in timeskannada website..

Generic name prescription

Giving prescriptions in generic will cause more harm o the patients than help?? And helpfull to the duplicate drug makers?? What all you think.. comments please

Parafoveal telengiectasia

PFT Type 2 a Stage 4 Parafoveal telengiectasia (PFT) Type 2 a being more common acquired variant . This patient shows perifoveal graying and RPE hyperplasia which means its stage 4 and still neovascularization hasn't developed. So what the stages of PFT? Stage 1 : Mild perifoveal graying Stage 2 : Temporal and nasal perifoveal graying Stage 3 : Right angled venules Stage 4 : RPE hyperplasia Stage 5 : CNVM